2024: A game changer for Emerging Markets

Published on
15 February 2024
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Carmignac, a pioneer in Emerging Markets

Since its creation in 1989, Carmignac has always had a strong conviction in emerging markets. Over the years, Carmignac has built up a solid expertise in the emerging universe. For us, emerging markets are a source of performance, a source of diversification but also a way to sustainably contribute to environment and society. Leveraging this long-term expertise, Carmignac launched its first strategy dedicated to emerging market equity in 1997.

Why invest in FP Carmignac Emerging Markets?

Over the past years, emerging markets have underperformed their developed market peers. The weakness of the Chinese economy, the ongoing geopolitical tensions and the US elections are also a source of concern for this asset class.

However, we see attractive opportunities among the beneficiaries of this new geopolitical order, notably in Latin America and South-East Asia. In 2024, bottom-up stock selection will be key to navigate the volatile markets and unearth the best opportunities in this undervalued emerging markets universe. FP Carmignac Emerging Markets is well positioned to capture this growth potential of emerging markets.

Listen to Xavier Hovasse, Head of Emerging Equities & Fund Manager, reveal his convictions and views on emerging markets for 2024.

FP Carmignac Emerging Markets

Searching growth opportunities in emerging-market equitiesDiscover the fund page

FP Carmignac Emerging Markets A GBP ACC

Recommended minimum investment horizon
5 years
Risk indicator*
SFDR - Fund Classification
Article -

*Risk Scale from the KID (Key Information Document). Risk 1 does not mean a risk-free investment. This indicator may change over time.

Main risks of the fund

Equity: The Fund may be affected by stock price variations, the scale of which is dependent on external factors, stock trading volumes or market capitalization.Emerging Markets: Operating conditions and supervision in "emerging" markets may deviate from the standards prevailing on the large international exchanges and have an impact on prices of listed instruments in which the Fund may invest.Currency: Currency risk is linked to exposure to a currency other than the Fund’s valuation currency, either through direct investment or the use of forward financial instruments.Discretionary Management: Anticipations of financial market changes made by the Management Company have a direct effect on the Fund's performance, which depends on the stocks selected.
The Fund presents a risk of loss of capital.

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Marketing Communication. Please refer to the KIID/prospectus of the Fund before making any final investment decisions. The decision to invest in the promoted fund should take into account all its characteristics or objectives as described in its prospectus.
This document was prepared by Carmignac Gestion, Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg or Carmignac UK Ltd and is being distributed in the UK by Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg. This material may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior authorisation from the Management Company. This material does not constitute a subscription offer, nor does it constitute investment advice. The information contained in this material may be partial information and may be modified without prior notice. Access to the Funds may be subject to restrictions regarding certain persons or countries. The Funds have not been registered under the US Securities Act of 1933. The Funds may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, for the benefit or on behalf of a «U.S. person», according to the definition of the US Regulation S and FATCA. Company. The risks, fees and ongoing charges are described in the KIID. Investors may lose some or all their capital, as the capital in the funds are not guaranteed. The Funds’ prospectus, KIIDs, NAV and annual reports are available at www.carmignac.com, or upon request to the Management Company. Investors have access to a summary of their rights in English at section 6 of "regulatory information page" on the following link: https://www.carmignac.co.uk/en_GB
Copyright: The data published in this presentation are the exclusive property of their owners, as mentioned on each page.
FP CARMIGNAC ICVC (the “Company”) is an Investment Company with variable capital incorporated in England and Wales under registered number 839620 and is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”) with effect from 04/04/2019 and launched on 15 May 2019. FundRock Partners Limited is the Authorised Corporate Director (the “ACD”) of the Company and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Hamilton Centre, Rodney Way, Chelmsford, England, CM1 3BY, UK (Registered in England and Wales under No 4162989). Carmignac Gestion Luxembourg SA has been appointed as the Investment Manager and distributor in respect of the Company. Carmignac UK Ltd (Registered in England and Wales with number 14162894) has been appointed as a sub-Investment Manager of the Company and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FRN:984288.

CARMIGNAC GESTION 24, place Vendôme - F-75001 Paris - Tel: (+33) 01 42 86 53 35 Investment management company approved by the AMF. Public limited company with share capital of € 13,500,000 - RCS Paris B 349 501 676
CARMIGNAC GESTION Luxembourg - City Link - 7, rue de la Chapelle - L-1325 Luxembourg - Tel: (+352) 46 70 60 1 Subsidiary of Carmignac Gestion - Investment fund management company approved by the CSSF Public limited company with share capital of € 23,000,000 - RCS Luxembourg B 67 549