Flash Note
Better understanding your attitude towards responsible investment
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Since August 2022, companies that provide investment advisory, management services to third parties, or distribute life insurance policies have been required to assess their clients’ interest in, and attitude towards, responsible investment.
The purpose of this new requirement, which is primarily derived from the latest version of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (or MiFID II) 1 , is to enhance protection of investors, ensure better understanding of their aims, and offer solutions tailored to their objectives.
As such, we have compiled a questionnaire to record our clients’ preferences, especially with regard to…
The minimum share of their investments that is to be aligned with the European Taxonomy2;
Taking the principal adverse impacts of their investment choices into account;
The minimum share that they wish to dedicate to sustainable investments.
1MiFID II: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
2The European Taxonomy establishes a list of economic activities that meet the performance criteria set in relation to the environment